viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020


We have been learning about /n/sound, as in net, nest, nut, night. Here you are more words with the sound /n/ in them. Can you read them?
 Let´s wach these videos. Can you repeat the words?

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2020


We have learnt about the /p/ like in pan, spot, pig, parrot.
Can you read these words?
Listen to these songs. Can you repeat the words with /p/?

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2020


We are working on the letter I . It can sound in different ways:
Short /I/: as in insect, ink, igloo, indian.
Long /I/: as in island, ice-cream, bike.

Can you read these words?


We have also been listening some songs about the letter I. Do you remember? Let´s sing.

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2020


We are learning about body parts. And music is a great tool to develope language skills. So, are you ready to sing? Yes, of course!!!

Now listen to the next song twice. How many words can you remember?
And finally, WITH SENTENCES!!! Do you dare...?

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2020


We are learning about the /t/like in tennis, cat, teddy or train.
Can you repeat these words?(click on the picture)

Now, let´s sing some "T" songs!